Gift cards

Make celebrations easy and comfortable with the Milla Digital Gift Card. It's the perfect gown for any budget—an instant, easy, and guaranteed gift.


  1. Choose the gift e-card amount.
  2. Enter the recipient's name and email.
  3. Enter your name as the sender.
  4. Specify the delivery date and time.
  5. Optionally, include a special message.
  6. Complete the online form, make your payment, and gift a #millagiftcard.

The digital gift card is emailed directly to your recipient with a glowing certificate image and a personal promo code. You'll be notified once the card is delivered. Processing takes 1-2 business days.

The card can be used to purchase any product on The remaining balance can be used for future purchases if the purchase is less than the card value. If the purchase exceeds the card value, the difference must be paid.

The card cannot be exchanged for cash and is valid for one year from purchase. Free worldwide delivery on purchases made with the gift card.